What does this look like to you?

If you said a rose patch it's time for glasses. If you said a melted wheelie-bin you'd be correct. Thanks to some local destructive hoodlums I woke up to a blazing fire out the front of our house. A little shocked at what I saw out the window I called Josh. He convinced me to call triple 0 and get the police around asap. So I ended up having a visit from the fire department and the police. The firemen (yes all men) turned up first, but by this stage the fire was well on it's way to putting itself out. So there I was standing out the front with FIVE firemen while they put out the fire in two seconds flat with a trickle of water! The police were a disappointment and took some time getting here, but once they did they were very apologetic and reassuring. So that was my eventfully night, hope everybody else slept better!